
Quote of the Month:

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney
{Past Quotes}

Monday, December 31, 2012

Two Thousand Twelve

This year has been quite the year for me. It started out with a New Year's Post and is ending with a New Year's Post. I didn't succeed with all the goals I set out for myself this year, but I think I did pretty good. I did kind of move out- I lived in Santa Barbara for about 2 months or so. It was really great. I loved the freedom. The plan was to not move back in to my parent's home, but job hunting just didn't work out as I'd planned. This year has been full of ups and downs, just as I'm sure everyone's has been. I've learned a lot about myself and grown so much.

Highlights of 2012:

  • Moved out (kinda)
  • Got a job that I love (definitely)
  • Bought myself a new laptop (as opposed to someone buying it for me)
  • Bought my first smart phone!
  • Photographed a wedding
  • Photographed food for an online menu
  • Built a website for my photography
  • Got my first credit card
  • Swam in the ocean!!
  • Whitened my teeth
  • Went to Disneyland! (Woot woot!)
  • Survived my first year at CSUB

And, I'm still with the love of my life.

If you had met me a few years ago, you would have seen me as a shy girl who wasn't sure exactly where she was going in life. When I was interviewing for The Picture People, the manager, Jared, actually asked me, on a scale of 1 to 10, how outgoing are you? That is what really got me thinking about it. As I said in my post about The Art of Being Shy, I told him probably an 8, though ask me a couple of years ago and I probably would have said a 2.

I love my new job. I've grown a lot just being there. Not just as a photographer, but as a person. When I first started working there I was super nervous about messing up. This was different from all the other photography work I've done so far. People were coming there and expecting me to do my best. There wasn't any "Hey, I'm new to this, let's negotiate price." It was all "We're coming here and expecting quality work, you better dish it out." I am so much more confident talking to people and taking their photos now. I feel like I can do anything!... mostly :P

I love who I am today (except for the being sick part of course- throwing up is no fun). Moving out is still one of my goals. C'mon 2013! I think I will probably need another job however if I plan on moving out by January.

I don't like to think about it as "I've changed"; I like to think about it as "I've grown up."

Happy New Year!


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